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New Book:

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20 empowering poems for free use in retreats, classrooms, webinars, seminars, book clubs, online courses and other creative projects.

"Sadhbh’s poetry is a sacred ritual, a meditation in words. Her verses are an invitation to slow down and inhabit the present with a sense of wonder. With each line, she unveils a new facet of our shared humanity, offering solace and inspiration." Emily O' Neal

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It is so good to see you!


is everything.

And that's all we know about it.

Emily Dickinson

Step in. Hang up your jacket. Grab a chair.
Get a cup of tea or coffee.
Wrap your soul into the cozy blanket of Love.

Hey there,
I am Nicole.
A creative old soul on a mission of Love.

is the most transformational power. The word “Love” is a highly misunderstood word.

As we dressed up the word "Love" in all kinds of erroneous costumes, we let her play roles that don’t serve and empower us, but keep us stuck in victim mode and complaining. I am on a quest to undress Love down to her naked, wild, untethered and pure nature, letting her dance in the arms of possibilities and mystery. By making Love the main character of our lives we are making ourselves the main character of our lives, as

we are the Love we are searching for.


Do You Need Guidance?
Check out my free e-book!

44 pages packed with

Guidance - Poetry - Resources - Exercises - Journal - Audiofiles - Tips

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Let's See The WOrld Through the Eyes of Love!

With Love-Eyes Spiritual Development I am providing heartful spiritually focused 

(online) trainingcourses and retreats, that nurture you to come home to love. 

Writing Retreat - Autumn Dreams
Writing Retreat - Autumn Dreams
16 Nov 2024, 10:30
Portrunny Bay Cottage

Check out the podcast episode about with SOulful Media, where I talk about Love in all of her beautiful forms:

Check out the podcast episode about with Annie from The Luminous Life podcast to learn more about people-pleasing and authenticity:

Check out the podcast episode about my journey to Ireland:


A Vision For The World

Once upon a time the world was at peace. The wish to be happy was stronger than the hunger of the need to be right. Everyone knew that nobody was broken and that all is well in the world. Everybody recognized the creator in themselves and was courageously stepping onto their unique soul’s journey. They were brave enough to embark on the biggest quest of cosmic intention - to show up as love every day.


When they got upset they were kind to themselves and to each other and communicated respectfully and non-violently. Wars, violence and hatred ceased to exist as people learned to be unconditional in their experience, trusting in the caring forces of the universe that would guide them through their lives.


Love overflowed as abundance into the sacred convergence of everything. Every being on earth felt worthy and loveable and knew that they already were whole. Oneness was omnipresent and every culture contributed their wisdom into the melting cauldron of unity. Respect was woven into a tapestry of diversity.


The innate beauty of all creation was celebrated in the wonder of awe. Gratitude was the unquenchable well of being, embraced by the awareness of humility. The air was quivering in laughter and music, wildly dancing to the poetic rhythm of creation. 

Cheerful children’s voices reverberated with the canyons as they beautifully explored their individuality in the school of life and studied the curriculum of human mystery. Teachers became students and students became teachers, willingly co-creating a web of understanding and compassion. Every human was free and their very own songs created a mosaic symphony of harmony conducted by the power of love.

Nicole Rank

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